Wednesday, October 20, 2010

it's just my opinion~

Sometimes, people won’t understand what you feel. They even don’t realised if you are mad or take heart to what they say. You are hoping that they will come and ask you why, but you know, it will be just a dream. Sometimes, there are also people that living in their own world, they don’t know what is happening around them and yet they don’t want to know about it. They don’t care of others feelings. They don’t realise even if you are dead!
There are many type of people in this world with different style and different attitude. As a human and as a girl, what you can do is nothing. You cannot change people from what they are just with a click. All you can do is hoping for a miracle to happened. Life must go on no matter what happens. Take it as a challenge. People changed. We can’t sure what they are now is what they will be in the future. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Sometimes, you thought that particular person is kind 0f a bad person or arrogant or annoying. But believe me, this kind of person appreciate you more than others. They don’t show they love you or they care about you because of their ego. They don’t want others to know that they care about you. But deep down in their heart, they have a very3 pure and sincere feeling to you. For the kind of people like I said in the first paragraph, what you can do is think positive. Don’t burden yourself to think about them because they don’t even think about you. If pretending is the best way to treat them, then let it be. Pretend to be others to make them happy and satisfied. It’s kind of cruel but it works out. You decide your way. Whatever happens, just go on with your life...

Monday, October 18, 2010

games addict...

I just finished my 2nd test last 2 days and I feel so relieved right now. Since the night of my last paper, I can’t stop myself from sitting in front of the laptop and plying games. It’s like I’m letting go my entire burden from the test week. I don’t know why this 2nd test is so making me stress. Even SPM examination didn’t happen like this. Maybe because the lifestyle here is a bit different. When you were at secondary, you teacher gives you everything and you have a fixed routine everyday. So the possibility for you to miss your study is low. Like me, during my secondary, I have preparation class from 8 to 10.30 pm. So you use that time wisely to finish all your homework and doing a little bit study.
Ok2..back to the main topic. Actually what I want to tell you guys is about games addicted. Well, Playing games is not wrong but sometimes it can give negative effect to you. Like what I said just now, I can’t stop myself from plying games for hours eventhough I know that I have class tomorrow at 8 am. What kind of crazy things I’m doing. As I remembered, I slept at 3 or 4 o’clock in the morning and next day I still have to wake up early in the morning f0r my class. Actually this habit is really3 bad. But frequently, boys always have this game addicted probs more than girls. They don’t mind spending hundreds or maybe thousands for games just like my brother. Sometimes I feel very weird with him. How come he doesn’t mind his money flow out like a waterfall just for computer and games??Huh… boys are complicated.
Games addicted also can give you negative effect. If u see, most of the guys games contain violent things and kind of harsh word. If you’re lucky, you’ll find all the sexy ladies in their games..urgh..!
I don’t know what more to say but all I know, games is addicted and it can give you bad effect if you can’t handle them properly. So, for all the games addict out there especially for boys. Beware of your ‘hobbies’..hee~tata~(^^*)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

what a day dreaming..

Everyone doesn’t like to be alone. Lonely will make u feel sad, miserable and u will think that u don’t have anyone in this world.That is exactly what I feel right now. I feel so lonely. Even though I have friends that always cheer me up, family that always support me, but still there is an empty space in my heart that still to be filled up. Now I’m 18. I think I need someone dat is very special for me. Someone that always there when I need him. I already have best friends.i know they always by my side. They always support me. They always love me. But I think. My heart needs a guy. A guy that is very special to me. A guy that will fill my heart with his love. A guy that will understand me better than myself.
I know. It sounds like a Cinderella story. But that is what I think right now. Sometimes I hate this feelings. Why I must feel lonely without a guy? Why it looks like I’m too desperate to get a boyfriend? Urgh! I really hate this feelings. It’s not that I can’t share my happiness and my sadness with my friends but then I need someone that really care about me. When I’m happy. I want him to be the first person that share the happiness with me. When I feel miserable. I want him to be the first one to know how miserable and inconsolable I am. I know it sounds like I’m not ready to be a 18 years old girl yet. i act like a baby. But all I want is an attention from someone that really appreciate me. I want to feel the love and share my love with him.
What a day dreaming. I know this would not happen to me. And the most important thing I should remind myself now is I’m only 18 and I have more important responsible than wasting my time thinking bout my fantasy prince charming. I just have to believe that the guy is here in this world but i just haven’t met him yet. What I’m going to do now is achieve my goals and make my family happy and proud with me. Maybe I can continue with my day dreaming, sometimes. Just to relax my mind. But, deep in my heart, I’m still hoping that a miracle will happen one day. ^^

Sunday, July 18, 2010

an unexpected experience at upm..

heloo guyz..
its been a while since my last blog..
now i'm no longer at home..
with my handsome cat..
and most important things is..
with my cute, adorable, charming, handsome little hamster..
ahh..i realy2 miss two of them.. of my mission is already accomplished..
i'm already part of upm..
and i'm proud to be part of it..
and my new mission now.
is to fulfill my dreams..since i were in secondary school..
that is to become a vet..
act..this is just the beginning of my story..
what i want to tell u all guys today is..
my first experience playing with the rain..
(playing??with the rain??sounds weird..)
yesterday..its raining cats and dogs at upm..
and guess what..that was the time when i didnt brought my little umbrella to class..
my friends and i didn't have another choice..
unless ran to the bus stop with just a file covered on the top of our head..
its about 100 meters i think from my faculty to the bus stop..
we were totally wet when we arrived at the bus stop..
with the wind blowing..
oh God..i fell like standing in the middle of north pole..
after that..we went stop bby at the putra food court before went back to our hostel..
i think this was my second time playing in the rain after 10 years ago..
and i hope..
i won't have this kind of experienced again in upm..or anywhere else..

Sunday, June 27, 2010

aPe daH jaDik kaT ak nieH!!!

slm sume..
dah lame gle ak x update blog nie..
means dah lame jgkla ak x mluahkn perasaan n kekusutan kat blog ak nieh..
mcm2 jdik spnjng ak dah nk blah dr uma week.
ak dah tngglkn uma nieh..
tp sejak menjak nie..ak cpt sgt nek angin..
ak ghase sume bnde x kena ngan ak..
kdng ak pown bengkek gak apsal ak asek nk ngamok je.
pdhl kdng2 slh cket je..
x pown orng 2 x slh lngsong..
ak dah hangin..
kalo orng 2 betol2 slh..lg la..
dah jdik cam american DRAGON da..
"dragon up!!!!!"
huh..mngkin emosi ak x stable kowt..
ad one tyme 2..
tetbe je ak nangis..sbb ak ghase orng len mkn x tngglkn lauk lunch ntok ak..
pdhl lauk 2 ad..
juz certain lauk jela da abes..
tyme 2 ak mkn lmbt coz pk cik2 n mak cik2 ak dtg..
so meja cam peno..
ak bg la deorng mkn dlu..
then tetbe ak cdey lak sbb mkn sorng2..
tacing la pulok eden nie..
ble emosi ak x betol..
kekdng ak raser cm ak benci sume orng sekeliling ak..
ak raser cm sume bnde slh..
dgn kakak ak yg asek bergayut je ngan pakwe die..
ak raser annoying sgt3..
even bnde 2 x dela slh pown..
ak ghase idop ak da serabot sgt..
nk kne sesi kaunseling emosi agknyer aku nie..
but korng sume jgn takot..
kalo ak emo2 pown..
pling lame stgh jam je..
pas2 ak da ok balik...
ak tau..
korng sume la semangat ak..
thanks sume...^^

Saturday, June 12, 2010

hamster oH hamster....

hello guys..
its been a long tyme since my last blog..
huuh...act..there's so many things hppnd around me..but..
i'm juz too lazy to write on diz blog..
well..a few days ago..i've bought a cuple of hamster..
x merncng pown act..ak juz nk crik present ntok menbe ak kat pet shop 2..
[present kat pet shop???]
haha.i've been thnking to buy him a tortoise..
saje nk kenekn die..pdan muke..haha..x dela..
haisy....raser len mcm lak tlis blog nie...
erm..ok2..back to the story.. mom yg nk snggh pd aslnyer...
die nk beli ikan kapi..nk bela katenyer..
dlu kteorng pena bela gak..lame la jgak ikn 2 jdik sbhgian dr fmly kteowng..
smpai beranak pinak da...
tp at last..sume 2 mty kerana sifat cemburu yg d'miliki olew kucng kat rmh ak..
kes jelez la nie...
pena gak ak nmpk die try nk kuit2 ikn 2 dlm pasu..
[kteorng berjimat..x ltk ikn dlm akuarium..letak dlm pasu jew..^^,]
tp ak tau die x pena dpt..yela..
tgk le cket saiz tgn die ngan saiz ikn 2..
ad hty nk kuit konon..
setlh beberape cubaan..
n beliau dah bngang agknyer..
akhirnyer bliau tlh mngmbil kptsn ntok membuang sisa toksik kat dlm pasu tuh..
kurang asam garam nyer kucing!!!!!
die KENCING kat dlm pasu tuh!!!
tyme 2 pulak x de orng kat uma..
so x de sape yg perasn akn perbuatn jhat beliau 2..
abes mampos sume ikn2 ak..
x gne pnye kucing..ini blsn ko pd ak...
2 pasl la..orng ckap..
dendam smpai bole membunh...
nie la exmple die...
so stlh bebrpe taon brkbung ats kmtian sume ikn2 ak 2..
mama decide nk  bela blik ikn 2..
so g la kat pet shop..
beli akuarium..[kali nie dok mewah cket..x dok dlm pasu ag..]
beli ikn..hiasn..batu2...mcm2 la kprluan len..
[saje je letak pic nie..hasil ilham mama..ngee.]
tetbe sdng ak cbuk memblek2 ikn yg ad kat kdai apek tuh..
mte ak tertancap pd hamster2 yg terletak kat ats meja cashier..
ak plik a..
apsal hamster nie ltak cinie..pas2 x bnyk lak uh..
lpas tnye apek uh..
br ak tau..nie hamster jnis len..
bkn yg bese bela uh..pdnla x byk..
ad la 3 spesies yg apek uh tnjik kat ak..
pearl white..roboski..winter white..
[lebey kurng a..ak pown x bpe ingat sgt]
ao..ak pown start a ngendeng kat mama suro belikn..
at first..mama x stuju..sbb nanty sape nk jge ble ak da msk blaja..
humm...btol gak aty ak nk sgt bela menatang uh..
lpas belek2 hamster uh..tetbe ntah mcmane..mam stuju nk amek..
siap kasi ak beli rumah teres due tingkat ntok hamster uh..hahah..
sukenyer ak...
[ade rupe cm rmh teres kew ek???]
ak amek yg pling mura dr 3 spesies uh..roboski...
ak amek couple..spye deorng lew brnk pinak nnty..haha..
[angn2 je lebey..]
tyme ak beli uh..umo hamster2 uh x smpai sbln ag..bby la g2..
coomeel sgt2..ak x decide ag nk letak name pe..
mcm2 name tmbul..
hamtaro N hemo hemo..??
hansel N gratel..??
huuh..x de st pown name yg best..
mlah..ak sndri x dpt bezakn mane st boy..mane st girl..
hahahaha..mama jela st kaler kaler merh..
bg name..dak ning N dak merah..
wut????adeke name 2..
ish..x de class lngsng..penat2 ak bli mhl2..
[even yg kua 2 duet mama]
ak tetp declaire hamster nie ak punyer..hee..
so until now..
hamster 2 maseh x bername..


hmm..x pela..yg 2 x pntng..yg pntng skunk..
ak syg gillerr kat hamster ak uh..even br bape ary brtntngn mate..
everyday ak tgk sikap die..
mcm2 ragam hamster ak nie..cuute sgt..^^
kekdng ak gelak sensorng tgk deorng due eko..

[aksi lari berpasngn..weee..]

ad yg tido terlentng la..siap mimpi2..
ad yng mengigau la..haisy..memcm..
npe??x cye??
iye..hamster ak ngigau..ak pk orng je ngigau..die pown ngigau gak..

[daaaa..daaa..diii..duu...sweet dreamz..]

hamster ak nie mcm musang..siang tido..mlm brjage..
so kalo siang2 nk tgk aksi ie..sush cket..
excpt kalo nk tgk aksi die tdo bole a..
so kekdng bile ak ngendap die tdo..
ak nmpk tgn die gerak2..
pas2 kekdng die ckp2 la...ak x phm a pe die ngigau..
pasl yg ak dnga..
tp dlm ape gaye pown..hamster nie tetp comel pd mate ak..
bile mlm2 plak..
tyme ak ngah sdp beradu...kekdng ak lew trsdr..
pasl deorng asek memekak je...
men roda la..pnjat sane..pnjt sini..kopek kuaci la..
even bnyi die x dela kuat sgt..
tp still bole wat ak
ak a little bit trgngu gak a..
nk wat mcmne..pekak tlinge jela labu..
hm...da x de idea a nk tules pe..
ak stop cnie jela..
ak akn post ag keysah2 mnarik dlm diary idopku..hee..^^,

Saturday, May 22, 2010

durian is falling down..hee =P

diz story happnd a few dayz ago..
where my fwen n I went to bandar hilir to visit museums..
st aktviti bese tp agak klaka bg ak..n kwn ak 2 pown tlh brstuju ntook jdik tour guide ak..
pdhal ak memng orng mlke pown..
sajer je..lately nie..ak slaloo t'pk bnde yg bkn2..
instead of kuar g tgk wayng or men bowling..
ak tbe2 brubh angn ntok g jln2 kat zoo or museum..
ntah pesal ntah moo ak..tbe2 je trase nk mlwt melaka..
bndraya warisan dunie..
hmm..kiteorng stat ngan muzium samudera dlu..
then g muzium TLDM, istana mlka..n lastly..
muzium campur..
muzium campur??haha..act ak x tau nme sbnr die..
sbb dlm st bgnan 2 ad byk muzium..
muzium rakyat, layang2 n muzium kecantikan..
so ak pnggl la muzium campur..
or dlm bhase omputeh die..mix museum..haha..
(sesuke hatik dn prasaan ak jew)
[nie 1st muzium yg kteorng maasok..]
hm..yg 2 x keysh yg beznyer ary2..kteorng dpt bnyk bnde free..
x dela bnyk bolela..
sume museum yg kteowg msk x yah kuar sesen pown..
bak kater abg yg jge uh..
"arynie ary muzium antrbngse..sume muzium free..tnggl engko ajew larat x larat nk jaln.."
durian gugur...
even fee ntok msk museum 2 x mhl kalo d'cmpur sume..
lpas gak mkn lunch kteorng bjalan jela ngan suke atynyer..
(even ak ghase skru lutut ak cam da nk tercbut jew..)
sume museum yg kteorng g tuh..ak x pna msk act..
juz mix museum 2 jew
kwn ak nie kre menunaikn hsrt ak a..hehe..thx ma fwenz!
b4 blik uh..ak tman membe ak nie g bli present..
n d'tkdrkn tbe2 aty ak trgrak nk tgk jam kat kdai sblh..
ghase2 dlm aty nie nk bli..tbe2 membe ak pown nk bli jam gak..
bak kate die..mnggtikan jam RM300 die yg ilng..=P
so ak plan nk bli same2 spye sng mnx twar hrge nnty..
kbtln..die wat promotion lak..
buy one more watch..
(nmpk sgt jam mura jew..theee...)
lpas cmpr price ak ngan membe ak uh..gnap2 RM35..
so dpt la jam pree..mle2 membe ak pk pilih mane2 jam jew..
tbe2 die ckp..yg ad dpn cashier jew..lorhh..
mle2 decide gak sape yg nk amek jam pree pas tgk jam die..
memng rezki ak..sume gurlz style..haha..
dlm st 2 bnde hary durian runth lak ek..
or ckp omputeh die...
durian is falling down..ngeee..
nie ekut sdp mlut ak jew..
jgn mara yer english teacher sekalian....
[x de kaitn pown durian nie ngan story ak..prumpamaan jew..hee..n_n]

Friday, May 14, 2010

upm..i'm ready to be part of u...

slm..heloo guuys..'s a letter for me..
from universiti putra malaysia @ UPM..
haha..sajer nk kerek..LOLX.
no la..act..i'm very xcited to further my study at upm..
it has been my dreamz since i was form 3..
x de u len dlm otak eden dah..upm jelo..haha..
so..ble dpt letter 2uh..ak tersgt3 la epy..
but..registration date die lmbt ag..3 july..
bole lepak2 ak dpt letter nie..
i've been thnking bout my bestfwenz..she also got da same u n da same course as me..
tp..mak die suro die g mktb..ak pown x tau..
n x branie nk ckp..npe ak x cntct die??
ak kcik aty sgt3 ngan die..ak raser die x tau kowt yg ak kcik aty..
its not about upm..ak x keysh pown kalo die msok ke x..yg pntng kat mane die lew blaja..
ak pown ad instinct da yg die akn g lak story die..

haha..soey..terlary topik lak eden..
ak pown agk eager ntok wat preparation..bju kurng sume da siap..
haha..act bju 2uh ntok memndgkn ak x g mtrx..
so..diwariskn ntok ke u..huhu.. leceh gak..byk
dsbbkn ak tlah d'kurniakn dgn sorng kakak yg ghajin..
so die ngan ringn tulngnyer da tolong ak isi sume borng yg perlu diisi.haha..
rngn cket keje ak..
tyme ngah bce2 buku pnduan die uh..
tetbe ak tnye kat mak ak..
"ma..msok nie sume..byr pkai duet sndri la ea??"punyer la bongek nyer soklan..
kakak ak pown jwb.."yela dieq oi..bes2 duet sape ag.."
mama diam jew..n pndng ak..pas2 mama snyum..
hm..bkn pe..brulh ak tau..yg kne pkai duet sndri dlu..even kte dpt biasiswa pown..
tp ak memng x dpt pape biasiswa..sob3..xpe2..jpa nyer blom bkak ag..i'll try to get it..
krenyer..bnyk sunggh yg parentz ak blnje ntok ak..
yuran..brng kperluan..duet mkn..issh3...x terbyng a..
ak mst blaja geghajin..trget ak..
nk dpt AD ntok every sem..heee..amiin..insyaallah..
so..skunk nie..ak da start preparation ntok msuk u..huhu..
upm..make my dreamz come true..weee..^^,

Monday, May 10, 2010

ReuNion!! XD

8 mei 2010 dah mnjadi tarikh keramat prjumpaan bdk2 6 gemilang 2004..
ahh..finally..we're together..again..
act..bnde nie d'rncng secare tbe2..bdk2 nie punyer idea la..
ak eikut day b4 reunion nie..kteorg ad ddk brmesyuart jgk..about 2 to 3 hours jew..
tkt act..tkt x mnjdi..coz suddntly jew nk bwat..
tp ngan cooperation bdk2 nieh..alhamdulillah..jdiik jgk.
seyes ak salute a ngan kwn2 ak nyer komitmen..
sume b'sungguh2..trharunyer..^^,
saturday mownink....
kteorng gerak g taman botanikal kat ayer keroh..
tp dsbbkn weekdayz..ramai orng..mak cik2 nie ngah senamrobik la..
orng ngah riadah la..bese la..public area..smpai kat c2..
tnggu bebdk nie sume la dkt 2 jam kowt..hesh..bdk2 laki..bese a..komaen liat nk bgn..
jnji kol 7..kol 9 bru tibe..
hmm.dsbbkn tmpt yg nk drncng 2 peno..soo..dizkuz la blek..
dizkuz..dizkuz..n terus dizkus..
ad rncng nk g tnjng bidara la..pntai puteri la..
after 30 mins....
kata sepakat telah d'cpai..buat kat taman rekreasi 2 jgk..
so..berangkat la kiteowng dgn barng2 g kat port yg d'sediakn..not bad..taman mainan knk2..haha..
klaka la kwn2 ak yg smpai2 jew..g men buaian terkng zmn knk2 lak..
b4 start men game..mkn dlu..nasi lemak+ayam grng+kangking+telur+teh o ais..RM 6..
bg ak mura la tuh..bnyk lak nc die..thx 2 ajk makanan..^^
breakfast tyme!!
tp stu problem yg kteowg hdpi is...
monyet..bnyk giler monyet nk curik mknann kteorng..
naseb bek a ad bdk2 nie yg brani..tlong halu..ak memg da cbut..
agk agresif a monyet tuh..ak tkt die ngamok jew..
monyet yg starving...
after meal..
tyme 4 game!!
kteorng wat xplore race..dkndlikn olew 4 orng..n slh sorngyer ak..
memg sajer ak nk nyebok jdik organizer..coz ak suke knekn orng..n ak die mst gile2..
haha..kesian bdk2 nie..kne men ngan kteorng..ak x sgke gak member2 ak nieh sggp bg komitmen..
suker sgt tegok tuh bese jew..
1st checkpoint: ikat kaki ngan psgn n jalan ke 2nd checkpoint..
2nd checkpoint: koyak kertas A4 ntok muatkn due orng.
3rd checkpoint:baling belon yg ad air
4th checkpoint:tiup belon smpai pecah..(belon+tepung)
dr every checkpoint..tgk reaksi deorng..klaka gak bdk2 laki yg penakot belon..haha.
muke sket nyer tkut belon pecah..ak lak g dengki..syarat die kne tiup..
x le gne cre len ntok pchkn..muke sorng2..ghase nk pech perut ak gelak..kah3..
tp salute a deorng..deorng dengr jew ckp..x membnth pown..
smpai kat finish lg yg kne..kteorng knekn denda ntok sape2 yg lnggr syarat permainan..haha
denda die...mkn timun+pisang hancur+air coke..
pergh..ak sndrik nk munth kowt..bak kate tkang potng timun..timun 2 pown die potng kat lntai jew..
tp bdk2 nie..punyer la slera mkn..kah3..bntai jela labi..
muke eijat n qayyum yg epy giler kne dnda..wakaka

yg ak heran lg tuh..x sgke bdk2 nie snggp ikut arahan kteowng..
habes acre ag..mkn buah epal..kali nie..sume join..ble pngdil ckp jew..START!!
sume muke..brsungguh2 abeskn..epy a ak tegok yg plik lg..x smpai 1 mnt kowt..
ad yg da abez..esp bdk laki a..ak separo pown belom..gile bsr mlut deorng..dinasour ke pe..
haha..biarkan aje la labu..
tyme bg hadiah..kteowng yg organizer nie..knekn lg..faqrul a..
g baling tepung..ak join skalik..mane bole lpas..haha..
tp..sbgai blsan..deorng attack balik ngan ngan belon yg ad air..kalo air bese x pe kowt..
tp nie air yg ader colouring..gile kntng a..merh..biru..
ak punyer la lary..dale x de tdung ngan sluar spare..haisy..kalo kene..nahas2..
tp 2 la kn..sepandai2 ak mnyorkkn dirie.kne jgk..dah nk dkt 30 mint kowt..deorng x nk klh..
organizer yg 4 orng nie..da x tn2 arah crik kubu..yg deorng nie..siap lew bereksperimen bwat bom bru..
tepung+air+sisa pisang hancur+colouring = ????????
memg giler..dsbbkn ak da x larat..ak g la surrender..
memng bkn jln yg betol..malang ak..bek sgt nk g surrender..ak orng 1st yg kne attack!!!
argh...geli sgt2..memg kne hentam habes a..tudung tompok2 merah..
muke lak kne lumur ngan bom td..argh..jdik mask muke.eeii..
x snggup ak nk imagine..first tyme kne teruk giler cm2...
lpas ak kne..bru la lg 3 orng 2 kne ofcoz..yg pling worst!!
lepas kne attack!!

habez perang tue..kteowng kmz2..salin bju..n then g lunch kat warung pak enal..
haha..mrase gak ak nek kete volkswagen dak azim..kete pusaka a..hee
tp die bwak..ish2..memng nk kasi ak sket jntong kowt..mentg2la msg2 bwk kete..
nk tunjuk skill a..nseb bek ak maseh brnafas smpai arynie..wuu..
smpai kat warung..mkn rmai2..
kesian zira..kne tego ngan mak cik 2..
"dieq,bru lepas men paintball ea..??"..
kteorng senyum jew..haha..nseb bek ak bwk bju spare..tdung pinjm orng..
kalo x..ak lg worst kowt..haha..
lepas berpenat lelah membalaz 'dendam'..haha
member2ku yg gempex!!
interframe a mamat nieh...

model of da day...wakakaka..

after lunch..
gerak g tasik ayer keroh..g lepak2 kat sne..
borak2..bkak citer lame..port die..atas jongkang-jungkit..
habes semue seesaw 2 kteorng sapu..kesian knak2 yg nk men kat c2..
hmm..dlm 2 jam kowt kteowng lepak kat c2..
msng2 da memg bez..x tau bile dpt jumpe mcm nie lg..
pasnie..sume da cbuk g mtrx..form 6..huuh..
hopefully..our fwenship never ends..
i'll mish u all guyz!!!

kanak2 riang!!!